About Us


In 1964, after advertising in the Banner, 28 boys and 1 girl formed the first youth soccer registration in Aurora.  The ASC (Aurora Soccer Club) gave them 3 balls and provided the coaches (Adrian Peetoom, Ray Cousins, Benny Steenhorst, Jack Karsemaker and Dick Brom) to run the youth teams.  The first games were played on Saturday morning at Town Park.  A year later the registration reached 60-80 players and the games/practices moved to the fields at the Aurora High School.

Between 1964 and 1984 the number of registered youth players continued to grow each year reaching over 400 kids by our 20th anniversary.  Five years later the Club's registration doubled to almost 800 players.  In 2001 the Club reached a record registration of 3551 recreational players (1645 girls and 1906 boys) and 320 competitive players (8 girls teams, 11 boys teams) for a total outdoor registration of 3871 players. In 2007 this was number reached 4,000 outdoor players and over 1100 indoor players making the AYSC the 3rd largest club in the region.

In 1984 the Aurora Youth Soccer Club was officially incorporated as a non-share (not-for-profit) company.  The move was consistent with what was happening with all soccer clubs in the province at the time. The corporation lapsed in 1990 and was revived on April 1998.  The AYSC hired its first full-time Technical Director in 1995 followed very closely with paid, full-time, administrative staff.  In 2004 the AYSC celebrated its 40th anniversary with the hiring of its first Executive Director.  2004 was also the inaugural season of the Women's Recreational League and second season of the U4 program and third official season of the Men's Pick-up League.  In 2005 The Stinger Stars program was established for children with physical and intellectual disabilities. In 2007 the AYSC was chosen as the Ontario pilot for the Coaches Association of Canada's, Women In Coaching program.  2007 was also the first year of the Aurora Indoor Soccer League (full-field soccer played indoors).


Mission Statement

The Aurora Youth Soccer Club provides our members the highest level of soccer development possible and the opportunity to develop friendships in a healthy, inclusive, enjoyable and safe environment by embracing the concepts of good sportsmanship and Fair Play. We provide well-organized and administered Programs that meet our members’ needs and embrace Community values. We represent the sport of soccer in an ethical and responsible manner.

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